Why Googling Your Computer Problems Can Cause You More Problems
Great Article from Lisa w/Call that Girl
Social engineering confirmed as top information security threat
Check out this article. Good read to help keep yourself safe online in the new year ahead.
How long is my version of windows supported?
How long is my version of windows supported? This is a question we get asked alot and there seems to be a bit of confusion. Also, since there has been…
Factors in Ideal Broadband Internet Speed
Short article that may provide some insight for some dealing with slow speeds.
Windows 10 release date is July 29th
The upgrade will be available for 1 year after the release of windows 10. For more details check out this article from Redmond Magazine.
Windows 10 Free Upgrade Confirmed
The upgrade will be available for 1 year after the release of windows 10 this fall. For more details check out this article from PC World.
Grand Opening @ Our New Office – June 27th, 2014 @ 2pm
Come visit our new office on June 27th @ 2pm. Our awesome new office is located at: 810 E. Booneslick Rd(also known as 810 E. Main St) Truesdale, MO 63383…
Our New Location!!
We have moved!!! Our awesome new office is located at: 810 E. Booneslick Rd(also known as 810 E. Main St) Truesdale, MO 63383 In Warrenton going south on HWY 47,…
Important Announcement for Windows XP Users
We have a very important announcement to those of you who use Windows XP on your computer (If you do not know what that means please contact us and we…
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